I am an Independent Prescriber.

What does that mean?

As an independent prescribing pharmacist, I am in the unique position to offer you a very specialist service. Depending on how we work together and following a thorough assessment I can offer you a combination of prescribed medication together with a whole-body integrative approach to help you achieve the health results you are searching for.


Hormones play an essential role in almost every process of the body. For females, your menstrual cycle is a sign of your overall health, also referred to as the 5th vital sign. If hormones are unbalanced this can cause havoc and show up in a number of ways. Symptoms include irregular or loss of periods, severe PMS, acne, hair loss and infertility. Instead, hormones should dance together in harmony, Through small, targeted and personalised changes to nutrition and lifestyle, these problems can become a permanent thing of the past.


Difficulties with fertility including problems with conception and miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss are steadily increasing. If left untreated, conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis can cause infertility and male factor fertility has seen a recent 50% decline. Many causes of infertility are greatly influenced by what we are eating, our lifestyle and what is in our environment. By helping to address the above issues, improve egg and sperm quality, and more specifically correct and reverse DNA damage, fertility outcomes can be changed. Whether conceiving naturally or going through IVF, nutrition support may help to bring you the wish you’ve always wanted.

How it works

Initial Consultation

This is an information-gathering session. We will discuss your medical history, current symptoms and conditions, and any previous test results or treatment.


This is where I collate all the information gathered to create a tailored protocol including guidance on nutrition and lifestyle, along with suggested supplements and further testing.


Testing will take place, and I will assess the outcomes. I may tweak your protocol or make recommendations based on test results. Further testing might be organised.

Your Plan

Your detailed plan will follow based on my assessment and test results. We will meet and monitor progress. Recommendations will be made throughout your plan.

My Services

Couples Fertility

This package is for couples to really ensure they are in the best possible place ahead of trying for a baby, whether trying naturally or via IVF. Read more.

Egg Freezing / Singles

Similar to my couple’s package, this is a 3-month package to ensure enough time to work to get your body into the best possible place ahead of the next steps in your journey. Read more.

Female Health

This package allows us to address any aspect of your female health. Whether you are fed up with your heavy and painful periods or not having periods or have digestive issues that are stopping you from fully living your life. Read more.


We know that the needs of both mum and baby change throughout pregnancy, so this package looks at what we can do to support both nutritionally and with lifestyle during this time. Read more.

Fertility Focus Session

An unravelling of your fertility journey to date. Identifying the next best steps. Read more.

Hormone Consultation

A deep-dive consultation. This is a focused session where we will address your concerns, symptoms and medical history. Read more.